Lesson #101-102: Being Sick – Part 2

Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect

S1: Dūłą̄́ gūtīe estʼeʼ.
I’m not feeling well.
S2: Nedêskūle.
I am going to throw up.
Q1: Dūgūdehdésī tsʼį̄́ʼ dendī́h-ā?
How long have you felt sick?
Q2: Dḗhkʼah tsʼį̄h dendī́h-ā?
When did you start felling sick?
Q3: Dekos nedéhhīnī nechâ tsʼį̄h neyū́gū́déhtsʼedī?
Do you think you caught a cold from your granddaughter?
S3: Tahchąh netsʼį̄́ʼ łâyālī ekū́déh dedī́h lā.
She was sick when she visited you the other day.
S4: Dene negededī́hī́ déʼ dūłą̄́ estsʼį̄́ʼ łegedūdḗlī́ yéneslīne.
I wish people wouldn’t visit me when they are sick.
S5: Dídū łā́néyéh hadī déh desdī́h estʼen lā.
I get sick easy these days.
S6: Dídū hayeh flu łā́néyéh sédī́htʼeʼ.
The flu is bad this year.
S7: Dene nístlōnī meyéh négédédī́h gejáʼ.
Lots of people are sick with it.
S8: Īyéh łą̄́ saʼā́ gūtsʼį̄́ʼ négédédī́h.
People seem to be sick a long time.
S9: Kolā etīe néndē dā́hchʼah nedendī́h nendehī.
You feel like you are getting better, then suddenly you are sick again.



Q3: Dēsgū́h dendī́h-ā?
How are you hurting?
Q4: Dahyigé dendī́h-ā?
Where does it hurt?
R1: Kolā saʼā́ gūtsʼį̄h dūłą̄́ gūtīe estʼeʼ.
I have been feeling sick for a while.
R2: Ēssēdī tlʼą̂ desdī́h esjā́ʼ.
I got sick after lunch.
Dā́hchʼah déh nedêskūle.
Suddenly I felt like throwing up.
R3: Estʼīe endū́é.
I feel weak.
R4: Eskah kā́gūdáhchōdé gūdedī́h.
My whole body hurts.
R5: Estsī́ʼ dedī́h.
My head hurts.
R6: Sesdlīʼ īyéh łahtādé tískónī nestʼį̄́h.
I feel chilled and then I feel hot.
R7: Esbét dedī́h.
My stomach hurts.
R8: Estsī́ʼ dedī́h,
I have a headache.
tachąh tedze tsʼįh.
since last night.
R9: Esbét tʼát gūtʼen.
I have diarrhea.
Dahʼáné téndesdah, tendesdah tedze degé.
I was going and going all night.
R10: ʼÁné téndesdah łą̄́ gūdedī́h.
It hurts when I go to the bathroom.
Q5: Dēsgū́h dendī́h-ā? Nénlejī īyéh nebét tʼát gūtʼenī?
Does it hurt when you pee or when you poop?
R11: Nésledzī łą̄́ gūdedī́h.
It hurts when I pee.
Q6: Nénledzī edeléʼ metah gā́nhtān-am?
Do you see any blood in your urine?
R12: Ham, dḗtsédle zeléʼ.
Yes, a little bit.
S9: Doctor kā́gūdáhchōdé eszį̄́ʼ gutīe gā́nūhtą̄́ sį̄́.
The doctor says he’s going to check me all over.
S10: Whitehorse tsʼį̄́ʼ nenūstéī síkʼādé gūtīe negā́gūnūhtą̄́ dege.
(Doctor) I am going to send you to Whitehorse for more tests.
Q7: Dḗhkʼah Whitehorse tsʼį̄́ʼ dāsyāl-ā?
When am I going to Whitehorse?
R13: Dūłą̄́ meyḗsdī́h síkādé .
I still don’t know
Phone yéh getsʼį̄́ʼ gūdūsdḗ sį̄́.
I have to make phone calls.
Meyḗsdī́hī déʼ kḗnedūssį̄́ sį̄́.
I will let you know as soon as I know.
R14: Łā́néyéh nédēstį̄lī gḗgūhtʼeʼ.
I feel like I’m going to die.
S11: Doctor estsʼį̄́ néndīʼ.
Doctor help me.
R15: Netsʼį̄́ʼ nûsdī́ sį̄́ kḗtʼē gólī́ dégūslā dūłą̄́ meyḗsdī́h.
(Doctor) I will do the best I can, but right now I don’t know what to do.
S12: Gūtīe desntʼī īyéh kā́dahchōdé nezį̄́ʼ gā́nūstą̄́ dege.
Please relax while I check you over.
Nebét kah shegūsdī.
I will be pressing on your stomach.
Dēsgū́h nebét détʼā mekah shegūsdī kḗséndīʼ.
Let me know how it feels when I press.
Sṓʼāle shūgūsdī sį̄́.
I will be gentle.
S13: School kū́hyigé nḗstsʼet.
I fell at the school.
Ekū́h gūtsʼį̄́h déh esgót łą̄́ dedī́h.
My knee has been hurting ever since.
R16: Dūłą̄́ etīe.
That’s not good.
Arthritis są̂ etʼe nā.
It may be arthritis.
S14: Edāde nḗtsʼedī īyéh mekēchinéʼ łā́tón.
My cousin fell and broke her ankle.
Dā́hchʼah nḗtsʼēdī yéh Whitehorse yigé dene ekḗdī kǭ́ą̄ lajā́ī́.
She suddenly slipped while shopping in Whitehorse.
S15: Ekū́dé etīe nūndḗ sį̄́ neszen.
I hope you feel better soon.