Lessons #56-57: Washing dishes, verb: dry

Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect


Dry (transitive) Dry (reflexive)

Dzídze sesgan. Nādā́sgan.
I dried the berries. I dried myself.
Tsʼáʼ sesgan.
I dried the dishes
Dzídze senhgan. Nādī́ngan.
You dried the berries. You dried yourself.
Tsʼáʼ senhgan.
You dried the dishes.
Dzídze sahgan. Nādā́gan.
He/she dried the berries. He/she dried herself/himself.
Tsʼáʼ sahgan.
He/she dried the dishes.
He/she dried it. Or He/she dried them.
Dzídze dzesgan. Nādzedáhgan.
We (2) dried the berries. We (2) dried ourselves.
Dzídze sahgan. Nādâhgan.
You (2) dried the berries. You (2) dried yourselves.
Tsʼáʼ sāhgan.
You (2) dried the dishes.
Tsʼá gesgan. Nāgedáhgan.
They (2) dried the dishes. They (2) dried themselves.
Nḗdzesgan. Nā́dzedáhgan.
We (3+) dried (the dishes). We (3+) dried ourselves.
Nā́sahgan. Nā́dâhgan.
You (3+) dried (the dishes). You (3+) dried yourselves.
Nā́gesgan. Nā́gedáhgan.
They (3+) dried (the dishes). They (3+) dried themselves.
They (3+) dried it.
They (3+) dried lots and lots.

Dry (transitive) Dry (reflexive)
Tsʼáʼ esgan. Edesgan.
I am drying the dishes. I am drying myself.
Tsʼáʼ enhgan. Edengan.
Dry the dishes! (one person) Dry yourself! (one person)
Tsʼáʼ ahgan. Edegan.
He/she is drying the dishes. He/she is drying herself/himself.
He/she is drying it/them.
Tsʼáʼ dzahgan. Edzedegan.
We (2) are drying the dishes. We (2) are drying ourselves.
Towel yéh edzedegan.
We are drying ourselves with a towel.
Tsʼáʼ ahgan. Edahgan.
Dry the dishes! (you 2) Dry yourselves! (you 2)
Tsʼáʼ gahgan. Egedegan.
They (2) are drying the dishes. They (2) are drying themselves.
Tsʼáʼ tāgahgan.
They (2) are drying lots of them.
Tsʼáʼ nā́dzáhgan. Nḗdzédégan.
We (3+) are drying the dishes. We (3+) are drying ourselves
Tsʼáʼ nā́hgan. Nḗdáhgan.
Dry the dishes! (you 3+) Dry yourselves! (you 3+)
Tsʼáʼ négáhgan. Nḗnēgédégan.
They (3+) are drying the dishes. They (3+) are drying themselves.
They (3+) are drying it.
They (3+) are drying them. (implies lots of things being dried)

Tsʼáʼ ūsgánī́ sį̄́.

Edūsgánī́ sį̄́.

Dry (transitive) Dry (reflexive)
I might dry the berries. I might dry myself.
Tsʼáʼ unhgánī sį̄́. Edūngánī sį̄́.
You might dry the dishes. You might dry yourself.
Tsʼā́ʼ ūhgánī sį̄́. Edūgánī́ sį̄́.
He/she might dry dishes. He/she might dry herself/himself.
Yūhgánī́ sį̄́.
He/she might dry it/them.
Tsʼáʼ dzūhgánī́ sį̄́. Edzedūgánī sį̄́.
We (2) might dry the dishes. We (2) might dry ourselves.
Tsʼáʼ ahgánī́ sį̄́. Edahgánī́ sį̄́.
You (2) might dry the dishes. You (2) might dry yourselves.
Tsʼáʼ gūhgánī́ sį̄́. Egedūgánī́ sį̄́.
They (2) might dry the dishes. They (2) might dry themselves.
Geyūhgánī́ sį̄́.
They (2) might dry it.
Tēgūhgánī́ sį̄́.
They (2) might dry them.
Tsʼáʼ nā́dzūhgánī́ sį̄́. Nḗdzedūgánī́ sį̄́.
We (3+) might dry the dishes. We (3+) might dry ourselves.
Tsʼáʼ nā́hgánī́ sį̄́. Nā́dahgánī́ sį̄́.
You (3+) might dry the dishes. You (3+) might dry yourselves.
Tsʼáʼ nḗgūhgánī́ sį̄́. Nḗgedūgánī́ sį̄́.
They (3+) might dry the dishes. They (3+) might dry themselves.
Nḗgeyūhgánī sį̄́.
They (3+) might dry it.
Tēgūhgánī́ sį̄́.

Tsʼáʼ dāsgął.


Dry (transitive) Dry (reflexive)
I will dry the dishes. I will dry myself.
Tsʼáʼ edīnhgął. Ededīngął.
You will dry the dishes. You will dry yourself.
Tsʼáʼ edāhgął. Ededāgął.
He/she will dry dishes. He/she will dry herself/himself.
He/she will dry it.
He/she will dry them.
Tsʼáʼ tedzedāhgął. Edzededāgął.
We (2) will dry the dishes. We (2) will dry ourselves.
Tsʼáʼ edahgął. Ededahgą̄ł.
You (2) will dry the dishes. You (2) will dry yourselves.
Tsʼáʼ tādāhgą̄ł.
You (2) will dry lots of dishes.
Tsʼáʼ gedāhgął. Edegedāgął.
They (2) will dry the dishes. They (2) will dry themselves.
They (2) will dry it.
They will dry lots of them.
Tsʼáʼ nā́dzedāhgął. Nā́dzedāgął.
We (3+) will dry the dishes. We (3+) will dry ourselves.
Tsʼáʼ nā́dāhgął. Nḗdedahgął.
You (3+) will dry the dishes. You (3+) will dry yourselves.
Tsʼáʼ nā́gedāgął. Nā́gedāgął.
They (3+) will dry the dishes They (3+) will dry themselves.