Lesson #48: Morning

Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect


Transitive and intransitive verbs: She’s sleeping. I’m getting dressed vs. She’s sewing moccasins etc.

Dawn: Nesédéntʼą̄́!
Wake up (1 person)!
Wake up!
Dave: Eméʼ! Síkʼādé shūstę́ī!
No!-Still-I will sleep!
Not yet, I am still sleeping!
Dawn: Nesídéntʼą̄́! Neʼējéʼ dényā́!
Get up!-Your clothes-you (1) put on!
Get up and get dressed!
Dave: Esʼējéʼ endį̂?
My shirt-where?
Where is my shirt?
Dawn: Ī lā desehtsū́ts
That-assert-it is positioned up
It’s hanging up.
Yā entsets yénlīn-ā?
What-you eat-you want-information question?
What do you want to eat?
Dave: Áhlādeʼ eyę̄́dzé yénéslīn.
Some-eggs-I want.
I’d like some eggs.
Dawn: Kolā áhlādeʼ eyę̄́dzé sestʼeʼ. Ną́ʼ entsets!
Already-some-eggs-I fried.-Here-you (1) eat!
I already fried some eggs. Here, eat!
Dave: Kolā dāsyāl!
Finally I will go!
I’m going to go!
or Kolā dōsyā́ī!
Finally I will go!
Iʼm going to go!
Dawn: Negṓdéʼ dényā́ dé!
Your coat-you put on-then!
Put on your coat then!
Dūłą̄́ negṓdé ę̄dī denyā́!
Not-your coat-without-you go!
Don’t leave without your coat!
Dave: Dûstsū́zį̄́ sį̄́.
Iʼll bring it.
I’ll bring it.
Dūłą̄́ medísūsdā́ʼī.
Not-I will wear it.
I don’t need to wear it.
Dūłą̄́ gū́sdlī.
It isn’t cold.

Q1: Yā endān yénlīn-ā?
What do you want to drink?
A1: Ledī́ʼ esdān yénéslīn.
I want to drink tea.
A2: Ledī́ʼ yénéslīn.
I want tea.
A3: Ledī́ʼ.
C1: Shentę̄́!
Go to sleep!
C2: Meyéh netséghá engets.
Brush your hair!
C3: Nénzet!
Stand up!
or Nényā́!
Get up!
C4: Ehtsets!
Eat (you plural)!
C5: Dūłą̄́ enhhǭ!
Don’t snore!
Łā́néyéh ehhǭ!
He snores a lot!
C6: Dūłą̄́ denzeł
Don’t yell!
Q2: Mā etsedz-ā?
Who is eating?
A4: Linda etsets.
Linda is eating.
A5: Linda kedātsén etsets.
Linda is eating moose meat.
A6. Linda yetsets.
Linda is eating it.
Q3: Mā nénetlʼų̄́-ā?
Who is getting dressed?
A7: Martina yéh Linda yéh nḗgentlʼų̄́ʼ.
Martina and Linda are getting dressed.
A8: Nḗgentlʼų̄́ʼ.
They are getting dressed.
C7: Áneʼ lū́gī́!
Move over!
C8: Tses kényā́!
Go get wood!
C9: Áhlāde kényā́!
Go get some!
C10: Ándenjā́!
Go home!
Dūłą̄́ ándenjā́!
Donʼt go home!