Lessons #22-23: Lunch at the Language Class Two


Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect

Linda: Dene kḗntʼēdé “Nahkūkʼǎʼ łédahlḗ!” geyéndī-am?
People-all-“Your plural cups-you plural bring!” you said to them question?
Did you tell everyone to bring their cups?
Ann: Dene kḗntʼēdé dekūkʼǎʼ łégedēlel.
People-all-their cups-they are bringing.
They are all bringing their cups.
Kḗtʼē ghólī́ gūtsáʼáʼ yéh nḗdzū́tsédzī sį̄́.
Like that-even so-our plates-with-we plural will eat-maybe.
But weʼll use our plates.
Linda: Mā ehtʼḗz-ā?
Who is cooking?
Ann: Martha łūge ehtʼḗs.
Martha-fish-she cooks.
Martha is cooking fish.
Dene kegehdį̄ kǭ́ą kū́hyigé sū́netʼḗs dzehtʼḗs.
People-they teach-building-there-bannock-we are cooking.
We are making bannock in class.
Linda: Gūtsʼā́wēdé łḗslel.
Our frying pans-I brought.
I brought our frying pans.
Nenī hį̄́ netsʼā́wēdéʼ łînlēl-am?
You-what about-your frying pans-you brought-question?
Did you bring your frying pans?
Ann: Gūtsʼį̄h łêslel.
From us-I brought.
I brought ours.
Méhyū́lī yéh ētl yéh łêslel.
Baking powder-and-salt-I brought.
I brought baking powder and salt.
Jody yéh, Martina kʼī, sūněʼ yéh, eyę́ʼ kʼī łégedēleł.
Jody-and,-Martina-flour-and,-oil-also-they are bringing.
Jody and Martina are bringing the flour and oil.
Kolā są̂ etīe.
Finally-must be-good.
I think we are all set.


Clara: Mā jahyigé néde-ā? Nekǭ́ą etʼā-ā?
Who lives here? Is it your house?
Alice: Jahyígé nédzedeʼ. Didī gūkǭ́ą lātʼā
We live here. This is our house.
Clara: Mā kū́hyigé nédaʼ-ā?
Who lives there?
Alice: Mary yéh Leo yéh, kū́hyigé négedeʼ. Gekǭ́ą lātʼā.
Mary and Leo live there. It’s their house.
Callie: Didī mā ējéʼ etʼā-ā? Neʼējéʼ etʼā-ā?
Whose clothes are these? Are they your clothes?
David: Didī gūʼējéʼ lātʼā.
These are our clothes.
Callie: Didī mā keʼéʼ etʼā-ā? Getsʼį̄h etʼā-ā?
Whose shoes are these? Are they theirs?
David: Gekéʼ lātʼā.
They are their shoes.
Callie: Didī mā tsʼáʼéʼ etʼā-ā? Netsʼā́ʼé etʼā-ā?
Whose dishes are these? Are they your dishes?
David: Didī gūtsʼáʼéʼ lātʼā.
These are our dishes.
Callie: Ī mā tsʼáʼéʼ etʼā-ā?
Whose dishes are those?
David: Getsʼáʼéʼ lātʼā.
Those are their dishes.