Lesson #44: Sewing

Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect


Sentences with quantifiers

Rose: Ezís nístlōne nédzédélaʼ.
Hides-lots-we (3+) bought.
We bought lots of hides.
Gōt kʼódé nḗdzenehtséł.
Coat-short-we will sew.
We’re going to sew some vests.
Leda: Dídū ebéh ezís kḗntʼēdé nḗdzenéhtsík.
This-summer- hides-all-we sewed.
We used all the hides we had this summer.
Rose: Kʼētʼāk dege áhlādéʼ sū́dzūnū́ʼį̂.
Moccasin tops-for-some-we will keep.
We need to save some for moccasin tops.
Leda: Ezís dénétʼéhē ī́nkʼēd-ā?
Hides-how many-you bought-information question?
How many hides did you buy?
Rose: Ezís łą̄́ntʼē dzīkét.
Hides-four-we bought.
We bought four hides.
Leda: Łą̄́ nístlōn!
That’s lots.
Áhlādéʼ są̂ gū́léi.
Some-must be-there will be.
There should be a little bit left over.
Gédḗnī kḗgenéhtʼēdé tsʼídāne dege kē nḗgenehtséł school gūtsʼį̄́h negedésdēdlī déʼ.
Women-all of them-children-for-mocassins-they will sew-from school-they went-then.
All the women are going to sew moccasins for the kids that are graduating.

Q1: Junior kedātsén kḗntʼēdé kḗdéhtsḗd-ām?
Did Junior eat all the moose meat?
A1: Endū́é, néstsį̄dle zeléʼ ētsét.
No, he only ate a little bit.
A2: Áhlādéʼ zeléʼ ētsḗt.
No, he only ate some of it.
A3: Ham, kḗntʼēdé kédéstsḗt.
Yes, he ate everything.
Q2: Dzenḗs kḗgūdéhdésī kī́ī́hłāʼ-am?
Did he work all day?
A4: Endū́é, dūłą̄́ kī́ī́hłāʼ.
No, he didn’t work at all.
A5: Dḗgwētsídle zeléʼ kī́ī́hłāʼ.
He only worked a little bit.
A6: Ham, dzenḗs kḗgūdéhdésī kī́ī́hłā.
Yes, he worked all day.
Q3: Tses kḗntʼēdé kādzedā́skʼān-am?
Did we use up all the firewood?
A7: Endū́é, síkʼāde tses nístlōn.
No, we still have lots.
A8: Ham, kḗntʼēdé kādzedā́skʼān.
Yes, it’s all gone.
A9: Síkʼāde tses selāʼ
There’s still some left.
S1: Áhlādé dzídze dzenūbéī.
Let’s pick some berries.
S2: Tsū́něʼ tenéntlʼī́t.
Put (pour) in some flour.
S3: Tūʼ tenéntlʼī́t.
Pour the water in.
S4: Etsénganéʼ dḗzų̄ze esyénʼą̄́.
Give me a little bit of dry meat!
S5: Netsénéʼ entsets, īyéh dūłą̄́ łedī́hī meyédā́sʼą̄ł.
Eat your meat or I won’t give you any cookies.
C1: Kedātsʼīéʼ áhlādé entsets.
Try some bum guts!
C2: Tsʼūssę̂tʼū́dze tūʼ endān.
Drink some balsam tea.
Kolā etīe ūnlḗ sį̄́.
You will feel better.
C3: Áhlādé esyénką̄́!
Give me some! (tea in a cup)