C1: |
Áhlādé dīhchō’ esdege ként’ā́s. |
Cut some turkey for me! |
C2: |
Tū’ esdege gūkéntl’ī́t. |
Pour some water for me! |
C3: |
Ītlét esyénǹką̄́. |
Pass me the cranberries! |
C4: |
Īt’ét łédenką̄́! |
Bring me some cranberries! |
C5: |
Ledī́’ esyénǹką̄́. |
Give me some tea! |
Q1: |
Yā entsets yénlīn-ā? |
What do you want to eat? |
A1: |
Dīhchō’ yénéslīne. |
I want some turkey. |
A2: |
Dūłą̄́ yēdī estsets yénéslīn. |
I don’t want anything. |
Q2: |
Yā endān yénlīn-ā? |
What do you want to drink? |
A3: |
Ledī́’ esdān yénéslīn. |
I want some tea to drink. |
A4: |
Ledī́’ neszen. |
I want tea. |
C7: |
Ānī́’ entsets! |
Come and eat (1 person)! |
Ānī́’ ehtsets! |
Come and eat (2 people)! |
Ānī́’ nḗhtsets! |
Come and eat (3+ people)! |
C8: |
Table ts’į̄́’ łédenyā́! |
Come to the table (1 person)! |
Table ts’į̄́’ łédah’ás! |
Come to the table (2 people)! |
Table ts’į̄́’ łédehdél! |
Come to the table (3+ people)! |
C9: |
Kǭ́ą̄ łéndenjā́! |
Come home (1 person)! |
Kǭ́ą̄ łéndaht’ás! |
Come home (2 people)! |
Kǭ́ą̄ łéndehdél! |
Come home (3+ people)! |
C10: |
Kǭ́ą̄ kūnyā́! |
Come inside (one person)! |
Kǭ́ą̄ kūah’ás! |
Come inside (two people)! |
Kǭ́ą̄ kuehdél! |
Come inside (3+ people)! |
Q3: |
Ītl’ét nahdege désts’ī-am? |
Are the cranberries sour for you? |
A2: |
Łā́néyéh désts’ī’. |
They are really sour. |
A3: |
Łā́néyéh łedī́h. |
They are really sweet. |
A4: |
Esdege łą̄́ łedī́h. |
They taste really good to me. |
Q4: |
Dīhchō etī-am? |
Is the turkey good? |
A5: |
Dīhchō little bit segan. |
It is a little dry. |
A6: |
Łā́néyéh etīe. |
It’s really good. |
A7: |
Łā́néyéh łedī́h. |
It’s really tasty. |