Jocelyn Wolftail talking about boarding school, speaking Kaska, and her work as a teacher
Maggie Dick talking about her mom, school, and handgames
Maggie Dick talking about her parents
Jocelyn Wolftail talking about land, family and sewing
Maggie Dick talking about growing up by Frances and helping out
Dorothy Smith and Mary Maje drive from Ross River to Watson Lake
Dorothy Smith tells a story about Robert Campbell, and the story of Kaska people fighting strangers at Grassy Lake
Dennis Porter talks about growing up and the importance of the Kaska language
Leda Jules talks about Lower Post Residential School
Clara Donnessey speaks about growing up, the importance of listening, and the changing weather
Mida Donnessey talks growing up and learning from her parents
Maggie Dick talks about her visit to Ross River
Mary Maje and Dorothy Smith talks about how parents were forced to send their children to Residential School and how people were forced to move off the land
Dorothy Smith talks about growing up and Residential School
Ann Szabo talks about how people used to managed the wolf population and the importance of sharing meat
Rose Caesar talks about problems with wolves in the village and her struggle to speak Kaska
Dennis and John Porter talking about living in the bush
Dorothy Smith talks about the negative impacts of alcohol
Dorothy Smith and Mary Maje speak about traditional restorative justice