Lesson #28: The Artist

Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect

Jennifer: Łā́né gūtīe negā́nestān yéh!
Really-good-I see you-with!
Good to see you Leda!
Leda: Oh Kístāne! Łą̄́ gūtīe negā́nestānī yéh kʼī!
Stranger!-Really-good-I see you-with-also!
Oh, stranger!  Good to see you too!
Dennis hį̄́ yā ehtsį̄h-ā dídū?
Dennis-what about-what-he’s making-information question-now
What is Dennis making now?
Jennifer: Jewelry tehtsį̄h.
tehtsį̄h (made or continuing to make)
Jewelry-he’s been making.
He has been making some jewelry.
Etsís sehtsīn kʼī.
Awls-he made-also.
He also made some sewing awls.
Leda: Yā yéh etsís ehtsį̄h-ā?
What-with-awl-he makes information question?
What does he make the awls with?
Jennifer: Etsíschenéʼ kedādéʼ yéh ehtsį̄h.
Awl-handle-moose-with-he makes.
He uses moose horn for the handles.
Leda: Kʼī́hłā déʼ nehtsį̄́’ łédūsyā́ī megā́nūstą̄́ dege.
He works-then-to you plural-I will come-I see him-for.
I’ll have to come visit and see what he does.


Q1: Yā entsets yénlīn-ā?
What do you like to eat?
A1: Dahbǎ’ yénéslīne.
I like blueberries.
Q2: Dídū dzenḗs yē īntsḗd-ā?
What did you eat this morning?
A2: Oatmeal áhlādéʼ ēstḗt
I ate some oatmeal.
Q3. Yā néntsíg-ā?
What are you sewing?
A3: Kē nénestsík.
I’m sewing moccasins.
Q4: Yā endān-ā?
What are you drinking?
A4: Ledī́’ dzedān.
We’re drinking tea.
Q5: Yā ghąh gūdahdéh-ā?
What are you (3+) talking about?
A5: Tū Chō ts’į̄́’ dzedūdḗlī ghąh gūdzededéh.
We’re talking about going to Frances Lake.
Q6: Yā dûn’ī́ā meyéndī́h-ām?
Do you know what to do?
A6: Kōla yā dédēslī́l-ā meyḗsdī́h.
I know what I will do.
A7: Meyḗsdī́h!
I know