Linda: |
Dídū ebéh yā dénh’en-ā? |
This-summer-what-you did? |
What did you do this summer? |
Susan: |
Dzídze nēsbé’. |
Berries-I picked. |
I picked berries. |
Dzídze nīnbé’-am? |
Berries-you picked-question? |
Did you pick berries? |
Linda: |
Tahkádlé nétsį̄dlī nēsbé’. |
Raspberries-small amount-I picked. |
I picked a few raspberries. |
Susan: |
Ninī hį̄́? |
You-what about? |
What about you? |
Yā dénh’enā? |
What-you did? |
What did you do? |
Linda: |
Tūchō Mené’ ts’į̄́’ dā́syā’. |
Frances Lake-to-I went. |
I went to Frances Lake. |
Dídū ebéh yā dénh’enā? |
This-summer-what-you did? |
What did you do this summer? [to another student] |
Kalem: |
Bike yéh gístl’eh. |
bike-with-I rode around |
I rode around on my bike. |
Ninī hį̄́? |
You-what about? |
What about you? |
Jimmy: |
Tsēzūl Mené’ łūge kah edesch’ą̄́sh. |
Simpson Lake-fish-for-I fished. |
I went fishing at Simpson Lake. |
Ninī hį̄́? |
You-what about? |
What about you? |
Echo: |
Kathy’s Kitchen kū́hyigé kī́slā’. |
Kathy’s Kitchen-there-I worked. |
Ninī hį̄́? |
You-what about? |
What about you? |
Pat: |
Dūłą̄́ yēdī dísle. |
Not-anything-I did. |
I didn’t do anything. |
Kíssāts yéh. |
Lazy-and. |
I was lazy. |
Tēdį̄dzī sā ts’į̄́’ shestīn, wḗdé. |
Middle sun-to-I slept-all the time. |
I slept in all the time. |