Lesson #9: Two People See Each Other in Whitehorse

Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect


Linda: Dḗhk’ah łînyāl-ā?
When-you arrive-information question?
When did you get here?
Ann: Tachą̄ tedze łâsyāl.
Yesterday-night-I arrived.
I came in last night.
Ninī hį̄́?
What about you?
Linda: Dídū jahyigé łâsyāl.
Now-here-I arrived.
I just got here.
Yā gā́nhtān-ā?
What-you saw-information question?
What did you see?
Ann: Degayemené’ kū́hyigé tējūe gā́nestān.
Swan Lake-there-yearling moose-I saw.
I saw a yearling moose by Swan Lake.
Linda: Dáhyigé nénda’-ā?
Where-you stay/live-information question?
Where are you staying?
Ann: Yukon Inn kū́hyigé nésde’.
Yukon Inn-there-I stay
I am staying at the Yukon Inn.
Linda: Dḗhk’ah ándīndāl-ā?
When-you will go back-information question?
When are you going back?
Ann: Friday gūjā́ dé’ ándūsjā́ sį̄.
Friday-happens-then-I will go back-maybe.
I’m going back on Friday.
Ninī hį̄́?
You-what about?
What about you?
Linda: Tāchą̄ Teslin ts’į̄́’ dāsyāl.
Tomorrow-Teslin to-I will go.
Ann: Gūtīe īntl’eł! Gūtīe desūnenʼīn!
well-you drive- well-you look after yourself!
Have a good trip! Look after yourself!
Gūtīe deyéndā’!
well-you take care of yourself
Take care of yourself!


Łînyāl. You arrive
Dḗhk’ah  łînyāl-ā? When did you arrive?
Łâyāl. He/she arrives
Dḗhk’ah łâyāl-ā? When did he/she arrive?
Gā́nhtān you see
Yā gā́nhtān-ā? What do you see?
Gā́nahtān he/she sees
Yā gā́nahtān-ā? What does he/she see?
Enht’ḗs you cook
Dḗhk’ah ūnht’ḗz-ā? When are you going to cook?
Yā ūnht’ḗz-ā What are you going to cook?
Yā ūhtʼḗz-ā What is he/ she going to cook?
Eht’ḗs he/she is cooking
Yā ehtʼḗz-ā What is he/she cooking?
Dḗhkʼah ehtʼḗz-ā? When is he/she cooking?