t and t’

Recorded by Leda Jules (2016)

Examples of t Examples of t’
water met’agé’ its wings
tū́de duck t’ū’ milk

dénḗs___ę̄dze black, dark coloured
___éskóse chipmunk
mes___į̄́e marten
___enū́sdīé’ muskrat
e___ene trail
___ésdų̄dze yellow legs, sandpiper
___ésdlūne ants
eht’ū́t baby
kés___āne stranger
gā́nes___ān I see

___éskóse dechen t’ā́t néde’ A chipmunk lives in that log.
Mes___į̄́e dénéh___éhī dénhhīna? How many martens did you trap?
___enū́sdīé’ ___en kāge gégoch. The muskrat is walking on the ice.
___ō___īne e___ene kah gēdéł. The Tlingits are walking on the trail.
Tḗsdų̄dze ___āde___ē men mā génā’ás. There were three yellowlegs by the lake.
___ésdlūne nétlōn dé, getsēhlī’. If there are lots of ants, you all leave them alone.
Kés___āne ts’ā___ de___ele yéh gā́nes___ān. I saw a stranger with a red hat.
___ę̄́s gḗ___e’. It’s like charcoal.
___ǭ́s esyénnǹ___ī́. Give me the oar.
E___ene kā mes___į̄́e ___āde___e esghá___ ___ēdéhyes. Three martens ran away from me down the trail.



Examples of t Examples of t’
tū’ water met’agé’ its wings
tū́de duck t’ū’ milk

dénḗst’ę̄dze black, dark coloured
téskóse chipmunk
mest’į̄́e marten
tenū́sdīé’ muskrat
etene trail
tésdų̄dze yellow legs, sandpiper
tésdlūne ants
eht’ū́t baby
késtāne stranger
gā́nestān I see

Téskóse dechen t’ā́t néde’ A chipmunk lives in that log.
Mest’į̄́e dénéht’éhī dénhhīna? How many martens did you trap?
Tenū́sdīé’ ten kāge gégoch. The muskrat is walking on the ice.
Tt’īne etene kah gēdéł. The Tlingits are walking on the trail.
Tḗsdų̄dze tādet’ē men mā génā’ás. There were three yellowlegs by the lake.
Tésdlūne nétlōn dé, getsēhlī’. If there are lots of ants, you all leave them alone.
Késtāne ts’āt det’ele yéh gā́nestān. I saw a stranger with a red hat.
T’ę̄́s gḗt‘e’. It’s like charcoal.
T’ǭ́s esyénnǹtī́. Give me the oar.
Etene kā mest’į̄́e tādet’e esghát tēdéhyes. Three martens ran away from me down the trail.