s and ts

Examples of s Examples of ts
sun tsá’ beaver
sas bear metsīé’ its offspring

me___ī́ghá’ his/her hair
té___kó___e chipmunk
nū___ę̄ fox
___elī gopher, arctic ground, squirrel
kedā___én moose meat
es___e___ I’m eating
tū́h___ehī loon
dīh ___ede roughed grouse
___ę́ł gaff hook
e___ey he/she is crying

De___ī́ghá’ ne’ṓ___. She’s washing her hair.
Mé___ų̄ nū___ę̄ ___elū́h. His grandmother snared a fox.
___elī tl’ū___en e___e___. The gopher is eating sage.
Men ts’į̄́’ tū́h___ehī e___ey déstsek. I heard the loon call on the lake.
___ęł yéh gé___ te___e___tīn. I caught salmon with a gaff hook.
Eschedle kedā___én yéh ___ā___ yḗdé ē___ḗt. My younger brother ate moose meat and bear-roots.
___e___ dent’ā́___. Cut firewood (with a saw).
Sa’ǎ ___á’ ēł nenela’ lî. Long ago a beaver made a dam.
E___ąhdī dā___yāł. I’m going to go alone.
Łą̄́ ___ṓ’ālé ___á’ de___ī́’ degá dā́nelá’. The beaver slowly raised its head.



Examples of s Examples of ts
sā sun tsá’ beaver
sas bear metsīé’ its offspring

metsī́ghá’ his/her hair
téskóse chipmunk
nū___ę̄ fox
tselī gopher, arctic ground, squirrel
kedātsén moose meat
estsets I’m eating
tū́htsehī loon
dīh sede roughed grouse
sę́ł gaff hook
etsey he/she is crying

Detsī́ghá’ ne’ṓts. She’s washing her hair.
Métsų̄ nū___ę̄ selū́h. His grandmother snared a fox.
Tselī tl’ūtsen etsets. The gopher is eating sage.
Men ts’į̄́’ tū́htsehī etsey déstsek. I heard the loon call on the lake.
Sęł yéh gés tesestīn. I caught salmon with a gaff hook.
Eschedle kedātsén yéh tss yḗdé ētsḗt. My younger brother ate moose meat and bear-roots.
Tses dent’ā́s. Cut firewood (with a saw).
Sa’ǎ tsá’ ēł nenela’ lî. Long ago a beaver made a dam.
Esąhdī dāsyāł. I’m going to go alone.
Łą̄́ sṓ’ālé tsá’ detsī́’ degá dā́nelá’. The beaver slowly raised its head.