ts and ts’

Examples of ts Examples of ts’
tsá’ beaver ts’á plate
metsīé’ its offspring, its young désts’ī twigs

___elī gopher
___ūssę̄ balsam, alpine fir
me___īé’ his/her small intestine
sṓsk’ā gray jay, whiskey jack
___esk’į̄ze chickadee
gés___į̄h robin
denē___ī́he yellow
___edāsnāne bee
___ōdze fly
tah___á beetle, bug

Tsá___én nenzen-am? Do you like beaver meat?
Mida ___ī́’, “___ūssę̄t’ūdzé’ dent’īn-am?” yéndī’. Ask Mida if she has some balsam bark.
___edāsnāne es___ahdé’ kā seda’. There’s a bee on my hat.
___édāne sedêhts’eg-am? Children, do you hear me?
___édé’ esyénńhtsūs. Give me a blanket.
Tah___á’ denā___ī́he ts’á’ kā seda’. There is a yellow bug on the plate.
___á___īé’ shobāt’ūdzé’ négé___e___. Baby beavers eat poplar bark.
Tsūhél kāge ___elī łā́néyéh néstlōn. There are lots of gophers on top of the hill.
De___ų̄ ___į̄́’ gū___į̄́t. He lied to his grandmother.
___odze ___ūssę̄dzéh tah kedetsę́tl. The fly was stuck in the balsam pitch.



Examples of ts Examples of ts’
tsá’ beaver ts’á plate
metsīé’ its offspring, its young désts’ī twigs

tselī gopher
ts’ūssę̄ balsam, alpine fir
mets’īé’ his/her small intestine
sṓsk’ā gray jay, whiskey jack
tsesk’į̄ze chickadee
géstsį̄h robin
denēts’ī́he yellow
ts’edāsnāne bee
ts’ōdze fly
tahts beetle, bug

Tsátsén nenzen-am? Do you like beaver meat?
Mida ts’ī́’, “Ts’ūssę̄t’ūdzé’ dent’īn-am?” yéndī’. Ask Mida if she has some balsam bark.
Ts’edāsnāne ests’ahdé’ kā seda’. There’s a bee on my hat.
Ts’édāne sedêhts’eg-am? Children, do you hear me?
Ts’édé’ esyénńhtsūs. Give me a blanket.
Tahtsá’ denāts’ī́he ts’á’ kā seda’. There is a yellow bug on the plate.
Tstsīé’ shobāt’ūdzé’ négétsets. Baby beavers eat poplar bark.
Tsūhél kāge tselī łā́néyéh néstlōn. There are lots of gophers on top of the hill.
Detsų̄ ts’į̄́’ gūts’į̄́t. He lied to his grandmother.
Ts’odze ts’ūssę̄dzéh tah kedetsę́tl. The fly was stuck in the balsam pitch.