Recorded by Leda Jules (2016)
Examples of l | Examples of ł | |||
melá’ |
his/her hand | łūge | fish | |
ele | branch | łṓlā́ | five |
tselī | gopher, arctic ground squirrel | |
łą̄́ | really | |
ełī́gé | one | |
det’ele | red | |
beldīé’ | mushroom | |
eshū́ł | rosehips | |
esyéhłī́gé’ | my spouse | |
ledī́ | tea | |
lāt’ē | it is | |
łédedlīnī | confluence |
Tselī łą̄́ medege łedī́h | Gophers are really tasty for him | |
Eshū́ł det’ele ełī́gé’ yeneslīne | I want one red rosehip | |
Ledī́ lāt’ā | That’s tea | |
Tū Łī́dlīnī ts’ī́’ āyāł | He’s walking to Ross River | |
Beldīé’ łṓlā́ esyénǹleh | Give me five mushrooms | |
Łūge néstlōnī tésela’ | He pulled out lots of fish | |
Nelá’ nelābā́dé’ dédendī | Put your hands in your mitts | |
Kolāhū́né’ melah łénādāl | Finally his brother-in-law came back | |
Melá’ yéh ele łîhgas | He broke the branches in two with his hands | |
Ī men tah łūge gū́līn-am? | Are there fish in that lake? |
Examples of t | Examples of t’ | |||
tū’ | water | met’agé’ | its wings | |
tū́de | duck | t’ū’ | milk |
dénḗst’ę̄dze | black, dark coloured | |
téskóse | chipmunk | |
mest’į̄́e | marten | |
tenū́sdīé’ | muskrat | |
etene | trail | |
tésdų̄dze | yellow legs, sandpiper | |
tésdlūne | ants | |
eht’ū́t | baby | |
késtāne | stranger | |
gā́nestān | I see |
Téskóse dechen t’ā́t néde’ | A chipmunk lives in that log. | |
Mest’į̄́e dénéht’éhī dénhhīna? | How many martens did you trap? | |
Tenū́sdīé’ ten kāge gégoch. | The muskrat is walking on the ice. | |
Tōt’īne etene kah gēdéł. | The Tlingits are walking on the trail. | |
Tḗsdų̄dze tādet’ē men mā génā’ás. | There were three yellowlegs by the lake. | |
Tésdlūne nétlōn dé, getsēhlī’. | If there are lots of ants, you all leave them alone. | |
Késtāne ts’āt det’ele yéh gā́nestān. | I saw a stranger with a red hat. | |
T’ę̄́s gḗt‘e’. | It’s like charcoal. | |
T’ǭ́s esyénnǹtī́. | Give me the oar. | |
Etene kā mest’į̄́e tādet’e esghát tēdéhyes. | Three martens ran away from me down the trail. |
Examples of k | Examples of k’ | |||
kón | fire | k’ī | birch | |
kedā | moose | dek’ale | white |
k’ų̄́ą́ | pika, whistler | |
mekūe | its den | |
mekēgé’ | its tracks | |
mek’ásé’ | its windpipe | |
ek’ąh | fat | |
desk’eshe | grayling | |
mek’ū́né’ | its fish eggs | |
mek’os | its neck | |
gésk’ale | willow ptarmigan | |
kē | moccasins |
Mā kón dáhk’ānā? | Who made the fire? | |
Kūe ts’į̄́’ mekēgé’ gū́līn. | Its tracks went to its den. | |
Kedā mek’ąh néstlōn. | That is a lot of fat on that moose. | |
Gésk’ale désts’egī ghṓlī́ dūłą̄́ gegā́nestān. | I hear willow ptarmigan, but I don’t see them. | |
Deké’ kā kē dédēt’ḗts. | He put his moccasins on his feet. | |
Mekǭ́ą kū́hdegá se’ān. | His house is up there. | |
K’īt’ų̄dzé’ łā́neyéh dāk’ale. | Birchbark is really white. | |
Kū́k‘ā kéh ledī́’ tesetl’īdī nedenką̄́’. | Pick up your cup with all that tea inside. | |
Et’āne kah k’ū́k néstlōnī nenesla’. | I put a book on lots of leaves. | |
Kolāhū́né’ dekǫ́ą ts’į̄́’ nédésja’. | Finally he went back to his house. |
Examples of ts | Examples of ts’ | |||
tsá’ | beaver | ts’á | plate | |
metsīé’ | its offspring, its young | désts’ī | twigs |
tselī | gopher | |
ts’ūssę̄ | balsam, alpine fir | |
mets’īé’ | his/her small intestine | |
sṓsk’ā | gray jay, whiskey jack | |
tsesk’į̄ze | chickadee | |
géstsį̄h | robin | |
denēts’ī́he | yellow | |
ts’edāsnāne | bee | |
ts’ōdze | fly | |
tahtsá | beetle, bug |
Tsátsén nenzen-am? | Do you like beaver meat? | |
Mida ts’ī́’, “Ts’ūssę̄t’ūdzé’ dent’īn-am?” yéndī’. | Ask Mida if she has some balsam bark. | |
Ts’edāsnāne ests’ahdé’ kā seda’. | There’s a bee on my hat. | |
Ts’édāne sedêhts’eg-am? | Children, do you hear me? | |
Ts’édé’ esyénńhtsūs. | Give me a blanket. | |
Tahtsá’ denāts’ī́he ts’á’ kā seda’. | There is a yellow bug on the plate. | |
Tsátsīé’ shobāt’ūdzé’ négétsets. | Baby beavers eat poplar bark. | |
Tsūhél kāge tselī łā́néyéh néstlōn. | There are lots of gophers on top of the hill. | |
Detsų̄ ts’į̄́’ gūts’į̄́t. | He lied to his grandmother. | |
Ts’odze ts’ūssę̄dzéh tah kedetsę́tl. | The fly was stuck in the balsam pitch. |
Examples of tl | Examples of tl’ | |||
tlį̄’ | dog | ītl’ét | low bush cranberries | |
estlę̂ | my sister-in-law | destl’ede | squirrel |
tsūstlę̂ | northern harrier hawk | |
dētl’ęse | blue | |
metl’edzé’ | his/her gallbladder | |
gūtl’és | dirt | |
gedésdētl | they went | |
nédetl’ī́t | it’s raining | |
tsētl’áh | valley | |
néstlōn | lots, many | |
tl’ōge | grass | |
ētl | salt |
Tlūł detl’ęse yéh tlį̄’ kenehtl’ūn. | He tied up the dog with a blue rope. | |
Ītl’ét néstlōnī genesbé’. | They picked lots of cranberries. | |
Destl’ede tl’ōge tah kwanātl’a’. | The squirrel ran back into the grass. | |
Tsātl’áh degá āyāł. | He’s walking up the valley. | |
Mī́ł néstlōnī desetl’ūn. | She set lots of snares. | |
Ī tlą̂ chą̄́ nédetl’īt. | After that it rained. | |
Ētl kegedésdētl. | They went for salt. | |
Estlę̂ gūtl’és dét’īn. | My sister-in-law had some powder (from birch fungus). | |
Tsūstlę̂ estlę̂ yénǹhtéh. | Give the harrier hawk to my sister-in-law. | |
Tl’ūł néstlōnī yéh ezés kūdentl’ų̄ dege. | There is a lot of rope to tie the moose hide with. |
Examples of ch | Examples of ch’ | |||
chosh | down feathers | dech’ūe | porcupine | |
meché’ | its tail |
mechą̄gé’ | its ribs | |
mechené’ | its back | |
tahch’ōhe | red-winged blackbird | |
meché’ | its tail | |
dechen | stick | |
eschų̄́é’ | my son | |
dech’et | tough | |
chą̄ | rain | |
ēch | shirt | |
ch’ā́sh | fish hook |
Ī kedāchą̄gé’ łą̄́ dā́nāchō’. | Those moose ribs are really big. | |
Eschâ desk’eshechō’ kah et’īn. | My grandson is fishing for a big grayling. | |
Eschūę́’ shetīn. | My son is sleeping. | |
Dedī etsén łā́néyéh dech’ét. | This meat is really tough. | |
Mā nedege ēch īkḗda? | Who bought you a shirt? | |
Dāhch’ah dechen yéh néyenītl’as. | Suddenly he hit him with a stick. | |
Sas ts’ī́yōné’ché’ sahk’ás. | The bear bit the wolf on the tail. | |
Yē et’ā? Tēch’ele et’ā? Tahch’ōhe et’ā? | What is it? Is it a kingfisher or a blackbird? | |
Ī chosh yénéslīne estsī́’ādle’ dege. | I want down feathers for my pillows. | |
Chek’ōh sehtsīn. | He made a mooseskin boat. |
Examples of s | Examples of ts | |||
sā | sun | tsá’ | beaver | |
sas | bear | metsīé’ | its offspring |
metsī́ghá’ | his/her hair | |
téskóse | chipmunk | |
nūssę̄ | fox | |
tselī | gopher, arctic ground, squirrel | |
kedātsén | moose meat | |
estsets | I’m eating | |
tū́htsehī | loon | |
dīh sede | roughed grouse | |
sę́ł | gaff hook | |
etsey | he/she is crying |
Detsī́ghá’ ne’ṓts. | She’s washing her hair. | |
Métsų̄ nūssę̄ selū́h. | His grandmother snared a fox. | |
Tselī tl’ūtsen etsets. | The gopher is eating sage. | |
Men ts’į̄́’ tū́htsehī etsey déstsek. | I heard the loon call on the lake. | |
Sęł yéh gés tesestīn. | I caught salmon with a gaff hook. | |
Eschedle kedātsén yéh tsās yḗdé ētsḗt. | My younger brother ate moose meat and bear-roots. | |
Tses dent’ā́s. | Cut firewood (with a saw). | |
Sa’ǎ tsá’ ēł nenela’ lî. | Long ago a beaver made a dam. | |
Esąhdī dāsyāł. | I’m going to go alone. | |
Łą̄́ sṓ’ālé tsá’ detsī́’ degá dā́nelá’. | The beaver slowly raised its head. |
Examples of z | Examples of dz | |||
zas | snow | mésdzį̄h | owl | |
ūzę | hawk | dzę́h | pitch |
denést’ę̄dze | dark, black | |
gūdzį̄h | caribou | |
gédedzedzī | mystery animal, jack | |
ū́sts’ę́ze | flying squirrel | |
kedāzés | moose hide | |
dzų̄́dze | bird | |
dzéhhīn | he/she killed | |
zǭ́dze | small | |
dzī́dze | berry | |
medḗdzé’ | his younger sister |