Learn Sounds

Recorded by Leda Jules (2016)

Examples of l Examples of ł
his/her hand łūge fish
ele branch łṓlā́ five

tsel gopher, arctic ground squirrel
łą̄́ really
ełī́gé one
det’ele red
beldīé’ mushroom
eshū́ł rosehips
esyéhłī́gé’ my spouse
ledī́ tea
lāt’ē it is
łédedlīnī confluence

Tselī  łą̄́ medege łedī́h Gophers are really tasty for him
Eshū́ł det’ele ełī́gé’ yeneslīne I want one red rosehip
Ledī́ lāt’ā That’s tea
Tū Łī́dlīnī ts’ī́’ āyāł He’s walking to Ross River
Beldīé’ łṓlā́ esyénǹleh Give me five mushrooms
Łūge néstlōnī tésela’ He pulled out lots of fish
Nelá’ nelābā́dé’ dédendī Put your hands in your mitts
Kolāhū́né’ melah łénādāl Finally his brother-in-law came back
Melá’ yéh elłîhgas He broke the branches in two with his hands
Ī men tah łūge gū́līn-am? Are there fish in that lake?

Examples of t Examples of t’
tū’ water met’agé’ its wings
tū́de duck t’ū’ milk

dénḗst’ę̄dze black, dark coloured
téskóse chipmunk
mest’į̄́e marten
tenū́sdīé’ muskrat
etene trail
tésdų̄dze yellow legs, sandpiper
tésdlūne ants
eht’ū́t baby
késtāne stranger
gā́nestān I see

Téskóse dechen t’ā́t néde’ A chipmunk lives in that log.
Mest’į̄́e dénéht’éhī dénhhīna? How many martens did you trap?
Tenū́sdīé’ ten kāge gégoch. The muskrat is walking on the ice.
Tt’īne etene kah gēdéł. The Tlingits are walking on the trail.
Tḗsdų̄dze tādet’ē men mā génā’ás. There were three yellowlegs by the lake.
Tésdlūne nétlōn dé, getsēhlī’. If there are lots of ants, you all leave them alone.
Késtāne ts’āt det’ele yéh gā́nestān. I saw a stranger with a red hat.
T’ę̄́s gḗt‘e’. It’s like charcoal.
T’ǭ́s esyénnǹtī́. Give me the oar.
Etene kā mest’į̄́e tādet’e esghát tēdéhyes. Three martens ran away from me down the trail.

Examples of k Examples of k’
kón fire k’ī birch
kedā moose dek’ale white

k’ų̄́ą́ pika, whistler
mekūe its den
mekēgé’ its tracks
mek’ásé’ its windpipe
ek’ąh fat
desk’eshe grayling
mek’ū́né’ its fish eggs
mek’os its neck
gésk’ale willow ptarmigan
k moccasins

Mā kón dáhk’ānā? Who made the fire?
Kūe ts’į̄́’  mekēgé’ gū́līn. Its tracks went to its den.
Kedā mek’ąh néstlōn. That is a lot of fat on that moose.
Gésk’ale désts’egī ghṓlī́ dūłą̄́ gegā́nestān. I hear willow ptarmigan, but I don’t see them.
Deké’ kā kē dédēt’ḗts. He put his moccasins on his feet.
Mekǭ́ą kū́hdegá se’ān. His house is up there.
K’īt’ų̄dzé’ łā́neyéh dāk’ale. Birchbark is really white.
Kū́k‘ā kéh ledī́’ tesetl’īdī nedenką̄́’. Pick up your cup with all that tea inside.
Et’āne kah k’ū́k néstlōnī nenesla’. I put a book on lots of leaves.
Kolāhū́né’ dekǫ́ą ts’į̄́’ nédésja’. Finally he went back to his house.

Examples of ts Examples of ts’
tsá’ beaver ts’á plate
metsīé’ its offspring, its young désts’ī twigs

tselī gopher
ts’ūssę̄ balsam, alpine fir
mets’īé’ his/her small intestine
sṓsk’ā gray jay, whiskey jack
tsesk’į̄ze chickadee
géstsį̄h robin
denēts’ī́he yellow
ts’edāsnāne bee
ts’ōdze fly
tahts beetle, bug

Tsátsén nenzen-am? Do you like beaver meat?
Mida ts’ī́’, “Ts’ūssę̄t’ūdzé’ dent’īn-am?” yéndī’. Ask Mida if she has some balsam bark.
Ts’edāsnāne ests’ahdé’ kā seda’. There’s a bee on my hat.
Ts’édāne sedêhts’eg-am? Children, do you hear me?
Ts’édé’ esyénńhtsūs. Give me a blanket.
Tahtsá’ denāts’ī́he ts’á’ kā seda’. There is a yellow bug on the plate.
Tstsīé’ shobāt’ūdzé’ négétsets. Baby beavers eat poplar bark.
Tsūhél kāge tselī łā́néyéh néstlōn. There are lots of gophers on top of the hill.
Detsų̄ ts’į̄́’ gūts’į̄́t. He lied to his grandmother.
Ts’odze ts’ūssę̄dzéh tah kedetsę́tl. The fly was stuck in the balsam pitch.

Examples of tl Examples of tl’
tlį̄’ dog ītl’ét low bush cranberries
estlę̂ my sister-in-law destl’ede squirrel

tsūstlę̂ northern harrier hawk
dētl’ęse blue
metl’edzé’ his/her gallbladder
gūtl’és dirt
gedésdētl they went
nédetl’ī́t it’s raining
tsētl’áh valley
néstlōn lots, many
tl’ōge grass
tl salt

Tlūł detl’ęse yéh tlį̄’ kenehtl’ūn. He tied up the dog with a blue rope.
tl’ét néstlōnī genesbé’. They picked lots of cranberries.
Destl’ede tl’ōge tah kwanātl’a’. The squirrel ran back into the grass.
Tsātl’áh degá āyāł. He’s walking up the valley.
Mī́ł néstlōnī desetl’ūn. She set lots of snares.
tlą̂ chą̄́ nédetl’īt. After that it rained.
tl kegedésdētl. They went for salt.
Estlę̂ gūtl’és dét’īn. My sister-in-law had some powder (from birch fungus).
Tsūstlę̂ estlę̂ yénǹhtéh. Give the harrier hawk to my sister-in-law.
Tl’ūł néstlōnī yéh ezés kūdentl’ų̄ dege. There is a lot of rope to tie the moose hide with.

Examples of ch Examples of ch’
chosh down feathers dech’ūe porcupine
meché’ its tail

mechą̄gé’ its ribs
mechené’ its back
tahch’ōhe red-winged blackbird
meché’ its tail
dechen stick
eschų̄́é’ my son
dech’et tough
chą̄ rain
ch shirt
ch’ā́sh fish hook

Ī kedāchą̄gé’ łą̄́ dā́nāchō’. Those moose ribs are really big.
Eschâ desk’eshechō’ kah et’īn. My grandson is fishing for a big grayling.
Eschūę́’ shetīn. My son is sleeping.
Dedī etsén łā́néyéh dech’ét. This meat is really tough.
Mā nedege ēch īkḗda? Who bought you a shirt?
Dāhch’ah dechen yéh néyenītl’as. Suddenly he hit him with a stick.
Sas ts’ī́yōné’ché’ sahk’ás. The bear bit the wolf on the tail.
Yē et’ā? Tēch’ele et’ā? Tahch’ōhe et’ā? What is it? Is it a kingfisher or a blackbird?
chosh yénéslīne estsī́’ādle’ dege. I want down feathers for my pillows.
Chek’ōh sehtsīn. He made a mooseskin boat.

Examples of s Examples of ts
sā sun tsá’ beaver
sas bear metsīé’ its offspring

metsī́ghá’ his/her hair
téskóse chipmunk
nūssę̄ fox
tselī gopher, arctic ground, squirrel
kedātsén moose meat
estsets I’m eating
tū́htsehī loon
dīh sede roughed grouse
sę́ł gaff hook
etsey he/she is crying

Detsī́ghá’ ne’ṓts. She’s washing her hair.
Métsų̄ nūssę̄ selū́h. His grandmother snared a fox.
Tselī tl’ūtsen etsets. The gopher is eating sage.
Men ts’į̄́’ tū́htsehī etsey déstsek. I heard the loon call on the lake.
Sęł yéh gés tesestīn. I caught salmon with a gaff hook.
Eschedle kedātsén yéh tss yḗdé ētsḗt. My younger brother ate moose meat and bear-roots.
Tses dent’ā́s. Cut firewood (with a saw).
Sa’ǎ tsá’ ēł nenela’ lî. Long ago a beaver made a dam.
Esąhdī dāsyāł. I’m going to go alone.
Łą̄́ sṓ’ālé tsá’ detsī́’ degá dā́nelá’. The beaver slowly raised its head.

Examples of z Examples of dz
zas snow mésdzį̄h owl
ūzę hawk dzę́h pitch

denést’ę̄dze dark, black
gūdzį̄h caribou
gédedzedzī mystery animal, jack
ū́sts’ę́ze flying squirrel
kedāzés moose hide
dzų̄́dze bird
dzéhhīn he/she killed
zǭ́dze small
dzī́dze berry
medḗdzé’ his younger sister