Lesson #41: Tū Tī́hkónī Kʼéh – Hot Springs

Leda Jules: Pelly Banks dialect


Positive responses with or without yes

Michael: Tū tī́hkón-ām?
Water-hot-yes/no question?
Is the water hot?
Kim: Ham, kūhdigé tī́hkón!
Yes-up there-hot!
Yes, it’s hot up there!
Jahyigé dūłą̄́ tī́hkón.
It’s not hot here.
Michael: Ts’īe endū́é yéh sṓgá neszen.
Mosquitos-nothing-and-good-I think.
I’m glad there aren’t any mosquitos.
Kim: Béde łînlēl-ām?
Food-you bring- yes/no question?
Did you bring any food?
Michael: Ham, béde nístsʼį̄dle łêslēł.
Yes, food-small amount-I brought.
Yes, I brought a little bit of food.
Téndzestʼā́dzé dé edzūtsédzį̄́ sį̄́ʼ.
We get back out of the water-then-we will eat-maybe.
We can eat when we get out.
Michael: Etsī́’ sedlī dēdī́l.
My head-cold-it will be.
My head is starting to get cold.
Kim: Netsī́’ tū yige nénʼą̄́ tī́hkónī nūndḗ sį̄́.
Your head-water-under-you put-warm-you will be-maybe.
Put your head under water and you will warm up.

Q1: Tū łā́néyéh sedlī-ām?
Is the water really cold?
A1: Ham, tū’ łā́néyéh sedlī’.
Yes, the water is really cold.
A2: Łā́néyéh sedlī’.
It’s really cold.
A3: Gū́sdlī’!
A4: Ham.
Q2: Ts’ī́e nístlōn-ām?
Are there lots of mosquitos?
A5: Ham, ts’ī́e łā́né nístlōn.
Yes, there are lots of mosquitos.
A6: Łā́néyéh nístlōn.
There are lots.
A7: Ham, nístlōn.
Yes, lots!
Q3: Tū’ łînlēl-ām?
Did you bring any water?
A8: Ham, tū’ lêslēl.
Yes, I brought some water.
A9: Áhlāde lêslēł.
I brought some.
Q4: Nedzā́sbał sedlī-ām?
Are your ears cold?
A10: Ham, esdzā́sbał sedlī’
Yes, my ears are cold.
A11: Ham, esdzā́sbał kḗdenésten.
Yes, my ears are freezing!
A12: Kḗgenéten.
They’re freezing!
Q5: Kolā, nedūnjā́-ām?
Are you ready to leave?
A13: Ham, kolā nedesjáhʼ
Yes, I’m ready to leave.
A14: Ham, nedūsjáī.
Yes, I’m leaving.
A15: Ham
Q6: Tsū́netʼḗs senht’e’-ām?
Did you fry bannock?
A16: Ham, sū́netʼḗs áhlāde’ sestʼē.
Yes, I fried some bannock.
A17: Áhlāde sestʼē.
I fried some.
A18: Kolā, áhlāde’ sestʼē.
I already fried some.
Q7: Gūtīe shente’-ām?
Did you sleep well?
A19: Ham, gūtīe shēstę́ʼ.
Yes, I slept well.
Q8: Bill gā́dīntāl-ām?
Are you going to see Bill?
A20: Ham, Bill gā́nūstą̄́ sį̄́.
Yes, I’m going to see Bill.
A21: Ham, megā́nūstą̄́ sį̄́.
Yes, I’ll see him.